Quantum Phase Transition of 1D Infinite Three-state Potts Model Based on iMPS Algorithm 基于iMPS算法研究一维无限量子三态Potts模型的量子相变
Theoretical Study on the Relationship between Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transition and Quantum Control 纠缠与量子相变关系及量子控制的理论研究
Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transition in Solid-state Spin Systems 固态自旋系统中的量子纠缠和量子相变
By making use the influence of microwave-r. f. multi-quantum transition on the spectral line intensity of single quantum microwave transition, a new sensitive method for detecting r. 利用微波-射频多量子跃迁对单量子微波跃迁谱线强度的影响,我们在实验上找到了一种在光抽运实验中观察射频共振的灵敏的新方法。
The Unified Description of State Correction and Quantum Transition with Slight Interference 态的微扰修正与量子跃迁的统一描述
Heisenberg XX open chain is very important in the study of quantum state transition. Heisenberg开链对研究量子态在自旋链上的传递有重要的意义。
Quantum phase transition in a bilayer Heisenberg antiferromagnet 双层Heisenberg反铁磁体中的量子相变
A research group in Munich has demonstrated for the first time the quantum phase transition of a superfluid state to the Mott insulator state of a BEC confined in a 3D optical lattice. 德国Munich研究小组首次在三维光晶格中观察到了超冷原子从BEC超流状态向Mottinsulator状态的量子相变。
Energy Spectrum and Quantum Phase Transition of Dipolar Bosons in Optical Lattices 光格子中偶极玻色子的能谱和量子相变条件
Berry Geometric Phase and Quantum Transition Berry几何相与量子跃迁
In the experiment of opto-magnetic resonance, it is observed that single quantum transition resonance signal magnitude rapidly increases and goes to saturation, then slowly goes down with increase of rf field amplitude. 在光泵磁共振实验中观测到单量子跃迁共振信号幅度随射频场振幅增加而迅速增加,并很快达到饱和,然后单调缓慢下降的关系。
A possible route of nuclear quantum phase transition induced by rotation 转动诱发原子核量子相变的一种可能途径
Quantum Transition in the NMR System in the Case of Producing the A-A Phase 核磁共振系统产生A-A相时的量子跃迁
In some problems in quantum transition, time-dependent perturbation theory gives the first order approximation of transition probability amplitude. 在有关量子跃迁的问题中,含时微扰理论给出了跃迁概率振幅的一级近似解。
The squeezing effect and quantum transition in the Paul trap Paul阱内的压缩效应与量子跃迁
The spectrum intensity is an important macro physical quantity for measuring spectrum. The understanding of quantum transition can be enhanced through studying the distribution of the relative intensity of the hydrogen spectrum. 光谱强度是量度光谱的重要宏观物理量,研究氢原子光谱相对强度的分布可以加深对量子跃迁几率的认识。
It is of great interest that the quantum phase transition between the superfluid and Mott phases can be observed when cold bosonic atoms with a repulsive two-body interaction are loaded into an optical lattice. 加载在光学晶格中的超冷玻色子可以发生超流-Mott绝缘体相变,这是目前人们最感兴趣的量子相变之一。
And we obtain the corresponding exact quantum state. By which we discuss some interesting physical properties of the quantum system, such as the coherent properties and quantum transition. 利用所得量子态,我们讨论了该量子系统的一些有趣的物理特性,如相干特性与量子跃迁等。
Besides, quantum phase transition occurs at zero temperature, and the phase transition point is shifted to low magnetic field if temperature keeps low as the anisotropic parameter is increased. 另外,在零温下,量子相变出现了,而且随着各向异性参数的增加,发生量子相变的点向磁场移动。
A crucial atom-pair tunnelling term results in significant energy spectrum corrections and an abrupt change of the ground state viewed as quantum phase transition. 非线性对隧穿项导致了系统能谱的重要修正,引起了被看作量子相变的基态突变。
And also calculates the ground-state entanglement under various control parameters and gives expressions for the quantum critical points at which quantum phase transition takes place. 文章还计算了参数取不同值情况下的基态纠缠并给出了发生量子相变的临界点的表达式。
We calculate the quantities, such as the ground state energy, entanglement entropy and so on, and confirm that it is a first-order quantum phase transition. 通过计算系统的基态能量、基态纠缠等量我们证实该量子相变是一级相变。
The quantum phase transition ( QPT) occurs at zero temperature when the external parameters of some interacting many-body systems change to reach the critical values. 在许多多体量子系统中,随着系统某些外部参数达到它的临界值,在零温情况下量子系统会发生量子相变。
In the modern condense physics, quantum phase transition is a study hotspot. 在现代凝聚态物理中,量子相变是一个研究的热点。
The dynamical consequence of such a quantum phase transition is the decoherence suppression of the two-level system. 该量子相变的动力学后果是开放量子系统中的二能级系统的退相干抑制。
The study of geometric phase, entanglement and quantum phase transition in quantum systems is hot topic in the fields of quantum theory and condensed matter and has the potential application in quantum computation and quantum information. 量子体系中几何相位、纠缠、量子相变现象是当前量子理论领域的研究热点课题,在量子计算和量子信息领域有着重要的应用前景。
Moreover, we generalize the one-atom case to the N-atom case and use the mean field approximation to explore the quantum phase transition in this many body system. The phase di-agrams are obtained for cases with different numbers of atoms in single cavity. 进一步,我们将腔内含单个原子情形推广到含N个原子的情形,并利用平均场近似研究了这个光纡耦合腔阵系统的量子相变问题,得到了腔内不同原子数情形的相图。
We studied the quantum correlation in topological quantum phase transition ( TQPT), mainly on 1D and 2D systems. 我们研究了在拓扑相变系统中的量子关联,包括一维的和二维的系统。
As one typical model, the Bose-Hubbard model has been an important model to investigate the quantum phase transition and other contents of condensed matter physics. 作为其中的代表,玻色&哈伯德模型已经成为研究量子相变等凝聚态物理内容的重要模型。